Our product "Sillikolloid P 87" will be renamed to "Sillitin P 87".
Additionally, we will rename two more products: "Gloxil WW" will become "Gloxil matt" and "Gloxil WW SL" will become "Gloxil matt SL".
We want to assure you that this is merely a name change. The quality, specifications, and outstanding properties of the product remain unchanged. This change is part of our efforts to ensure greater transparency and clarity in our product portfolio.
Please be assured that all packaging, technical data sheets, and accompanying documents will be updated accordingly to reflect the name change. However, we ask for your understanding that for a transitional period, you may still see packaging with the old labels "Sillikolloid", "Gloxil WW", and "Gloxil WW SL". This is for sustainable reasons, as we strive to make sensible use of existing materials and avoid waste.
We appreciate your understanding. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this change, please do not hesitate to contact us.