- very low sedimentation
- fast drying
- abrasion resistance
- improved hiding power (opacity) or partial replacement of titanium dioxide
- night visibility/improved anchoring of reflecting glass beads
- improved early rain resistance
- Yellow pigment extender
- Road marking paint, white (S21401.0 [1])
- Road marking paint, yellow (S21402.0 [1])
- Road marking paint, white (W1147)
- Road marking paint, white (S21406.1a)
- Road marking paint, white (W1142)
Technical Report

- Filler optimization for road marking paints
- Neuburg Siliceous Earth for white solvent based road marking paints
- Neuburg Siliceous Earth in road marking paints, water-based, white, wet film thickness 600 µm
- Neuburg Siliceous Earth in road marking paints, water-based, white, low film thickness
- Neuburg Siliceous Earth as pigment extender in yellow road marking paint, water-based
Technical Poster

- Neuburg Siliceous Earth in road marking paints thick film (technical poster)
- Neuburg Siliceous Earth in thermoplastic hotmelt road marking paints white (technical poster)
- Neuburg Siliceous Earth in thermoplastic hotmelt road marking paints yellow (technical poster)
- Titanium dioxid reduction road marking paint water-based (technical poster)
- Neuburg Siliceous Earth in solvent based road marking paints (technical poster)
- Neuburg Siliceous Earth as pigment extender in yellow road marking paint water-based (technical poster)