Public Activities

Plant and mining tours

You would like to take live part of the exploitation and processing of Neuburg Siliceous Earth or to make a stray through the mining pits? In cooperation with the Bund Naturschutz (Association for the Preservation of Nature, Region Neuburg-Schrobenhausen), HOFFMANN MINERAL several times per year arranges guided tours through the open pits and biotopes. In addition, the company offers individually arranged guided tours to groups of persons.

Contact for plant and mining tours:

Siliceous Earth at school

School does not necessarily always take place in classrooms. Projects and excursions can essentially upgrade a dreary school weekday. This is why HOFFMANN MINERAL supports schools by plant and pit tours as well as individually by carrying out common projects.

Siliceous Earth Experimental Path

Since 2014, there exists in Neuburg a Siliceous Earth Experimental Path in the middle of nature. With indicative signs and interactive stations everything around the regional geology and the raw material Neuburg Siliceous Earth is explained in a play-like and colorful way.

The way of the  experimental path leads from Giethausen via forest roads to the open pit “Schaflache Ost”; the walking distance is 90 minutes The starting point is the chapel of Giethausen, at a distance of 10 minutes by car from the Neuburg town center. Parking possibilities upon arrival are available.

The Siliceous Earth Experimental Path was created within a P-Seminar by pupils of the Descartes Gymnasium at Neuburg, under the mentoring of Michael Riesinger. The project was supported by the Foundation “Studienseminar Neuburg/Donau” and by HOFFMANN MINERAL.