Energy guiding principles

With this energy policy, the HOFFMANN Group undertakes to reduce energy consumption and the associated CO2 emissions sustainably and in compliance with the statutory requirements and strives to exceed the annual legally prescribed increases in energy efficiency.

This is done on the basis of the energy targets that are set annually by the management / advisory board.

The basis for the target definition is the consumption and production data from the past as well as the economic efficiency of the measure.

The realisation of the energy guiding principles takes place through the implementation of a complete energy management system in which:

  • energy consumption is constantly measured and monitored.
  • key energy aspects are regularly recorded, reviewed and communicated.
  • energy flows are recorded and kept up to date.
  • processes and activities are permanently reviewed, evaluated and continuously improved with regard to their energy efficiency.
  • energy-saving measures are planned and introduced.
  • the results of energy-saving measures are recorded, analysed and evaluated at regular intervals.
  • necessary resources and information are made available by the management to achieve the energy goals.
  • the procurement of energy-efficient products and services is supported.

The implementation of the energy guiding principles requires the cooperation of all employees and service providers.

Employees are comprehensively informed and involved in the action plan.

The company's energy guiding principles applies equally to all areas in the company, all activities and procedures, in order to ensure the continuous improvement of energy performance.

Neuburg, July 17, 2024